Carcharodontosaurus CollectA 88642
OverzichtCollectA 88642 Deluxe (1:40) - Carcharodontosaurus
31.6 x 10.2 cm
Carcharodontosaurus is een geslacht van grote vleesetende dinosauriërs, een theropode uit de groep van de Carnosauria, een onderverdeling van de Avetheropoda. De typesoort is Megalosaurus saharicus.
Carcharodontosaurus was a large, carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. It was one of the biggest theropods ever to walk the Earth, rivaling the Tyrannosaurus Rex in size. Its name means "shark-toothed lizard," a reference to its sharp, serrated teeth. Carcharodontosaurus had a powerful build, long legs, and a large, muscular tail. It was a fearsome predator, capable of hunting large prey.