- Reef Squid S266229
21,0 X 8,25 CM
Found throughout the Caribbean and off the coast of Florida, the reef squid a relatively small squid with unique undulating fins that make up a large portion of its body. The reef squid…€ 9,95 - Hangbuikzwijn S266029
13,25 X 8,5 CM
onsiderably smaller than most farm pigs native to America and Europe, the pot-bellied pig is a domesticated species of pig that originates from Vietnam. Their name comes…€ 9,95 - Tuatura safari 102503
Tuatura safari 102503
S102503 - Tuatara - Novelty 2024
Though it looks like a lizard, the Tuatara of New Zealand is actually the last living member of an ancient group of reptiles.
Scientific Name: Sphenodon punctatus
Size: 18…€ 13,95 - Zeepaardje op koraal Safari 204329
Zeepaardje op kraal Safari 204329
13,0 x 4,5 cmFound in shallow tropical and temperate waters all around the world, seahorses are a tiny type of marine fish of which there are over 50 known species. Their name comes from the shape…€ 6,95 - Visotter Rivier otter S 266429
Visotter Rivier otter S 266429
14,0 x 10,25 cm
∙ Floating down a river on its back, while taking a well-earned nap, is the river-otter! A semiaquatic mammal mainly endemic to North America, the river otter is actually a close…€ 10,95 - Cownose ray S 161305
Cownose ray S 161305
17,8 x 19 cm
Commonly dispersed throughout the western Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean, cownose rays are a species of eagle ray that can grow to be just under four feet long. Although not particularly…€ 7,95 - Marmerrog S100317 - Marble Ray
Marmerrog S100317 - Marble Ray
size: 20,4 x 2,8 cm
This stingray is known by many names, including Black-blotched Stingray, Black-spotted Stingray, Round Ribbontail Ray, Speckled Stingray, and - when its coloration is dark with…€ 11,95 - Goliath grouper S265329
Goliath grouper S265329 Goliath-Barsch Baars
Endemic to the tropical waters and coral reefs of the Florida Keys, Bahamas, Caribbean, and Brazil, the goliath grouper is massive saltwater fish. They can grow as large as 8…€ 9,95
Grote plastic dieren.
Incredible Creatures van Safari Ltd. Speciale reeks. Groot formaat plastic diermodellen.
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